Saturday, May 14, 2011

Last one

So I suppose as of 11:45 yesterday (That was the approximate time I received my diploma in the excruciatingly long 3 and 1/2 hour ceremony that was called my graduation) I became a Clemson University gradute and can no longer refer to myself as an American College Student. I suppose maybe this is the last blog considering as of today I am living the life of a College Grad. It's kind of weird because after my super awesome party consisting of vball, an epic slip and slide, an appearance by wonder woman, and a freakin sweet Harry Potter cake (so you may judge me for having this as my graduation cake, but whatever haters haha), I was reading all of my awesome cards that people brought me [btw thank you so much to everyone who came. It is so encouraging to be reminded of all the amazing people in your life who love and support you, even if you have a harry potter cake. I am truly, unbelievably blessed] and I kind of realized that I am closing a chapter in my life. To me, high school is such a distant memory. High school is like the preface to a book, not really a chapter. You know the preface to a book, the part that doesn't really serve any purpose for the development of the story and most people just skip over all together or at least in my life it was that way. Life hit me in the face like a transfer truck when I went to college. I can't say I'm terribly sad about this chapter being over because college, as any of you who have read my blog at all can tell, has been a pretty difficult time in my life. I think I'm ready to move forward with my life. While most people shout from the rooftops that college is the best years of their lives, I daily hoped it would be over. And now the thing I have hoped for has come to fruition. I never understood why I have so disliked this thing most people love, but I've kind of always known that I've been a little different than most people. Despite the hardships, and probably because of those hardships, I learned A LOT. I mean more than any professor taught me in my four years of college, God taught me so much more about Him, other people, life, and myself. Maybe that's the only purpose it served, who knows. Maybe I will learn in the future, either way, I am thankful that God gave me the grace to finish. I give him all praise for getting me through these past four years because there were so many days I wanted to quit, and quite honestly It's a miracle that I passed any of my classes considering the lack of motivation I've had for the past 4 years. But I did. And I guess that's the point of that whole graduation thing right and that diploma that is laying somewhere in my room right now (yeah my room looks like hiroshima right now). So my friends, I will leave you all with a few things I have learned from the past four years:
1. Life doesn't go the way you want a majority of the time. But sometimes it goes in a completely different way that was better than what you wanted in the first place.
2. God isn't logical, so what looks good on paper isn't always what you should do.
3. You can do more than you think you can.
4. You have to take care of yourself before you can care for other people.
5. Awkward situations provide for great stories later.
6. Laughter is the best thing God created. Humor is how I have survived. I love surrounding myself with funny people.
7. Don't rush things. You have to go through things so you can handle whatever life brings your way next.
8. Disappointment is one of the worst things imaginable, but it won't kill you .
9. Tears cleanse the soul. They aren't a sign of weakness. (I just recently learned this)
10. Even when you feel like a failure, more than likely you are someone else's inspiration.

okay there are so many more things that I could write, but i'm just gonna stop here. Maybe I'll write more another day. I can't believe it's finally over, I feel like I've finished a marathon (which after running three miles this morning is something I will never do in my life, and I'm okay with that). It's been a long road, but being at the end and looking back, I'm glad I took that road. I'm so much stronger and I'm honestly proud of the person I've become. No doubt I am a work in progress, but hey, it's progress. Who knows what is to come, because I sure don't, but I'm just going to take it one day at a time. And that my friends is the end to my life as an American College Student. Pura Vida.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sour Patch Kids...friend or foe?

So here we go guys, I just got my survival kit for exam week. I walked my little fanny (wow I haven't heard that word used in an extraordinarily long time) Anywho, like I said I walked myself to Walgreens to pick up the essentials: 2 five hour energies. Check. Big pack of Sour Patch Kids. Check. Arnold Palmer iced tea & lemonade mix. Check. and York Peppermint Patty for when I have to appease my raging chocolate craving. check. Yup, that should get me through the next couple of days, right? wrong people. Arnold palmer and half of the sour patch kids are already gone. Dang it! Procrastinating from studying for these exams is getting me all worked up, and I eat when I'm anxious. Hey people, as Chris farley would say, "LAY OFF I'M STARVING!" Okay, so I'm not really starving, but my blood sugar threatened me to feed it sugar, what was I supposed to do? Man, I'm pretty sure that "white" substance on the sour patch kids is some kind of drug. So as the title implies, are Sour Patch Kids really our friends? I mean look at the commercials. In one, this freakishly large sour patch kid cuts off this girls ponytail. Hmm, the ones I haven't eaten yet are looking at me with their rainbow colored eyes like they know I'm in on their little game. If you guys don't hear from me in a couple of days, you heard what happened here first. Okay so lets get off of my delirium shall we. 2 exams people. 2. that's one wednesday and one thursday. And then I'm done. So weird. Some of you who may not be in college any more may be thinking, "Man, she's about to get a rude awakening into the real world. She should be thankful she's in college" Yeah I get it, I'm gonna have to get a job. Im not going to be able to take naps everyday, or have sour patch kid hangovers anymore. Yeah I get it. But let me tell you guys something. I'm gonna be getting paid. See right now, I pay these people (a lot of money I might add) to send me into a mental breakdown. I mean, yes I will be faced with lots of stresses in the future, I am not naive about this, but I will be getting some sort of benefit, I hope. Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful I had the opportunity to get an education and to have finally (almost) finished the race, but I think if I stay any longer I will have to be checked into a psychiatric hospital. Kudos to anyone going to grad school right after undergrad. You guys are clearly superhuman and have been bit by some radioactive spider. Way to go. Well I suppose I should start now. I'm trying to get all of my distractions out of the way before I start so I can just dive right in. I will probably be blogging more this week in my effort to relieve my brain from all of the cramming. I love you all! Pura Vida.