Thursday, April 15, 2010

Being Honked at isn't flattering

So another week has come and gone. This has been a pretty eventful week, I guess. I bought my plane ticket to Costa Rica (gulp) so I guess there is no turning back now. Life of a Language and international health major= having to study abroad to graduate. After trying to get out of it in every way imaginable, with my luck it was obvious that I wasn't going to get out of it. I leave on May 23rd, 2 days before my best friend's 21st birthday and and 2 weeks before I could have been going to Thailand. But there is not point in dwelling on the "what I could be doing instead" and time to just accept it and move on. Only two more weeks of school. PRAISE THE LORD. Literally this has been the semester from Hades so I am very excited for it to all be over.
So today as I was running (which was a miracle), I passed this toyota truck with these two guys in it. After I had gone past them, they said OVER A LOUD SPEAKER they had apparently installed in their toyota pick up, "Hey youre fine". Now the only reason I remotely think they may have been talking about me was because I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS ON THE SIDEWALK at the time. Did you really need the loud speaker. really. I think the phrase, "You might be a redneck if..." is suiting for this situation. Now, sidenote, when any girl runs on the side of the road, its pretty much guarenteed that someone is going to yell at you or honk at you. Guys, just a note, please don't yell or honk your horn when a girl is running. First, if you honk, you have probably scared her half to death b/c you chose to honk at her RIGHT as you were passing. Second, it in no was flatters the girl, it only confirms her worst fear that the only guys that are interested in her are rednecks. Point of the matter, just dont do it. Now that I am off of my soapbox (which was in no way written to make people think that I am attractive, the guys that honk on the side of the road would probably honk at a guy running if his shorts were short enough and he had a tank top on haha) I will proceed to tell you that One time I was running and this car literally stopped right beside me, while there were other cars driving by, rolls down his window, (I thought he was going to ask me for directions or something) and says, "you're cute." in the creepiest fashion imaginable. He didnt say, how are you doing, or hey baby, he said "you're cute." Needless to say, I preceeded to smile nervously and pick up the pace.
So to continue on my soapbox of the life of an american college student, my roomates and I may have found a place to live next year. Our options were dwindling down to our cars, a cardboard box, or our parents houses, but luckily I believe we may have found our apartment. So the time has come that I have to renew my license (that really just took me like three tries to get the spelling right) since I am turning 21 next week. I went to the DMV yesterday, and needless say I was dreading it (who doesnt dread going to the DMV). But it turned out to be a really good experience. The seneca DMV has really gotten its act together. The only bad part (which was obviously inevitable) was that my picture (that I will be using as my identification for the next TEN years..awesome) is quite awful. I mean I have been self-diagnosed with APS (Awkward Picture syndrome), but I have to say that I think this was the cameras fault. The picture itself is not that bad, however, I seriously look like a lobster I am so red, and where the south carolina emblem is makes it look like I have no nose. So basically I look like a bloated, red alien. But maybe that I what I really look like and I just need to accept that.
Anywho, thats my little spill for the day. I guess this is just the life of an American college student. Paz, amor, y felicidad.

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