Saturday, April 10, 2010

Well here goes

So after being pressured by someone that will remain nameless (elizabeth) I have started a blog about as you guessed it-->my life as a college student. I highly doubt anyone will read this or even care what I have to write since I have self-diagnosed myself as "Lame" but what the heck. If someone wants to read about a life of awkward moments, then maybe this blog will serve a purpose. Otherwise, it really won't.

Well to begin describing my life as a college student, I would just like to start of by saying that I ate marshmallows for breakfast. Yes, Marshmallows. one, because I haven't bought groceries in while and they were the only thing I had left in my cabinet, and two, I just genuinely like them. Don't judge me. I woke up this morning to a very loud dripping noise. After checking all of the faucets in our apartment, I followed the sound of the dripping to find that it was in the exact center of my hallway. Literally the wall in my hallway is dripping. Not in my bathroom. Not in my kitchen. My hallway. So no Mr. Maintence man, my faucet isn't leaking. My whole freaking apartment is. I tried to put a pot under the drip. Fail. So now one of my bathtowels is just chillin in our hallway. Awesome. After both the real-estate company and the "emergency" maintenance man DID NOT answer my phone calls, i have determined that if our ceiling falls in, its just too bad.
For those of you who may be considering going to college, especially those of you looking at clemson, one word: Don't. After turning in my 16 page paper yesterday, I literally almost cried. There were no words for how I felt in that moment. I have a take home exam due Monday in a class I could really care less about. So that really may not happen. I overslept my first class yesterday and somehow ended up being late for my next class, which I found out was meeting in pendleton after I got to the class and NO ONE WAS THERE. Yep, you guessed it, FAIL. This is college, one big fail after another. I have something due every single day from now until may. Awesome. Whatever...I guess this is just the life of an American College Student. Paz, Amor, y felicidad!

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