Tuesday, December 7, 2010

5 hour energy

Well I made it through Heaven week (oh yeah its opposite day didnt you know) as it it was the worst week of the semester. Yeah, for all you college peeps, I think we can all attest that the last week of classes and exams are the WORST weeks ever. All of my professors decided to make 10 and 15 page papers due the last day of class. How dumb. dont they realize they are going to have to read all of those in a week's time. and that my friends is why I will never be a teacher. I also had a group project, and not hating on people, but many I hate working in groups. they seriously are more painful than having to write a 15 page paper on human trafficking-talk about depressing. I seriously worked more in the last two weeks than I did the rest of the semester combined. Not even kidding. Its not saying that I did much, its just saying i did absolutely freaking nothing the rest of the semester. Two diseases rage within me at the present moment: senioritis and procrastination. a deadly combination for sure. Well with all that done, I am just two exams and a take home away from the end of this semester. PRAISE THE LORD. Im not sure how well I need to do on any of those things and considering I dont even have the books for one class, I'm not sure how its going to turn out. I honestly dont even care. I do have to give a shoutout to 5 hour energies. and yes some of you may know my addiction, and yes there is a patent pending, and yes "they may be bad for my health"- but I DONT CARE. they honestly are the only reason I was able to write approximately 30 pages. and they arent as bad a cup of coffee that makes me act like a freaking crack addict after one cup. Literally, my hands will be shaking so bad that I can even type. I just press all the keys as fast as I possibly can, making quite a ruckus I might add, just to appease the caffeine coursing through my veins. Its really awful. So for me, ill take my Vitamin B12 boost and my daily fulfillment of folic acid in a 5 hour energy. Ah how I love thee. Dont worry, i'm not addicted. After tomorrow I probably wont take another one until next he77 (turn the 7's upside down) week in April. and by next he77 week I mean, two weeks before I graduate HOLLA Playas. Woot woot. this one is checking out of this forsaken thing called college. I cannot wait. Super excited about the future as I'm kind of figuring out something I may pursue. Its definitely under wraps for now, and probably until I have some sort of success. Anywho thats all I'm saying for now. For now, I guess I'm just living the life of an American College Student. Peace out.

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