Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Zipper Troubles

No I'm not climbing volcanos or petting monkeys in Costa Rica BUT I am still an American College student and I feel the need to share the reality of college with those who are thinking about going. Things aren't like they are on t.v. No, quite often they are the complete opposite. Or if things are like they are on T.V., then most of the time you are just that shy girl in the background that no one knows rather than the main characters. Yesterday, as well as a few other days recently, I was walking back to my car from class [It was a yucky, rainy day yesterday so I was rocking out my new rainboots- I am very thankful that somehow rainboots have crept onto universities nationwide and become socially acceptable to wear them even though they are just downright ugly] but anyway as I was walking, somehow I realized that my zipper was down. How long had it been that way? Good Lord, I'm honestly starting to think that alzhiemers is setting in. I'm literally digressing as a person. How old am I? five. because it sure seems that way. I tried to remember if I had gone to the bathroom and then forgotten to zip my pants but I couldn't even remember that, so I zipped them up as inconspiculously as I could, which is an impossible feat, and proceeded to my car. When I got there, the zipper had come down again! Which was a huge relief to me considering that meant that it was the pants not me that needed the fixing. However, instead of changing the pants I proceeded to wear them the rest of the day, Mainly because I wore a long tshirt. I feel the need to remind you that that has happened to me on several occasions. Figures. Anyway, Let's see. Oh yeah. Basically my schedule goes like this. I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays GLORY. I have spanish, boo, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Biology, an even bigger boo, immediately following at 11:00. Then I have a break from 12:15 to 2:00 and a Sociology class about something, the biggest boo of all, from 2:00-3:45. I normally go home on my break between bio and sociology and eat lunch. Then I go to my sociology class and struggle with everything in me not to fall asleep or want to bang my head on my desk and then come home for a couple of hours GLORY!!! However, dont let that fool you. There is something even more awful than the three of those combined that lurks every tuesday night. NIGHT BIOLOGY LAB duh duh duhhhhhh!!! It really is as bad as you think. Luckily last night was my LAST ONE, that is until my lab practical in two weeks which I'm probably going to fail considering my lab partner takes it on himself to do everything. Anyway, yesterday after my Sociology class, I relaxed and watched t.v and ended up taking a nap, which I a regular occurance. Well, I can't quite remember when I fell asleep but I woke up disoriented and unsure what day or time it was. It was dark outside so I didnt know if I had slept through the night and it was time to go to work, or if it was nighttime. I had no idea. I then proceeded to check my clock, which was about the only thing I had the mental capacity to do at that time, and it said 6:30. That doesn't seem so bad until i tell you that My lab starts at that exact same time. Awesome. Needless to say I rushed around as if I cruella devil and proceeded to say things that no small child should hear. There was no parking, obviously. but I parked somewhere else and got to my lab like 20 minutes late. Whatever. The less I'm in that lab the better my life is so whatever. Anyway, that is all for now. Hope you all have a better day than me. But I guess this is just the life of an American College Student. I'm out. PURA VIDA!

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