Thursday, January 27, 2011


So 2011 has been going pretty good so far. I am very excited about graduation so Im kind of just on a constant high. Well I was on one until this week. Seriously, this week has been just one FML moment after another and Im beginning to see that it might be one of those semesters. Once again I only have Tuesday, thursday classes (woot woo) so you wouldn't think that much could go wrong with me only going on tuesday and thursday. Well, buddy, you would be surprised. Let's see, Tuesday started out with me being transferred from one person to another over the phone by two different companies, with a majority of the people being from India (that was fun let me tell you). After getting so frustrated because it seemed the Mr. Apu was telling me that some money that I was supposed to be recieving had somehow mysteriously disappeared into thin air, I decided to give up on that venture. You know when things happen in the morning and they just put you in a bad mood, yeah well it was like that. So anyway, I got ready for school and grabbed a LIGHT jacket and headed out. I didn't realize that it was freezing cold and raining. Typical. So I'm heading to school and I turn in to the parking lot I always park at and it is COMPLETELY filled up. Which annoys me because Clemson parking is GAY!!! So after speeding out of there like cruella devil, I headed to my backup parking lot that always has spaces. Well guess what everyone, Clemson decided that since they have all this time and money to spend, they changed all the parking lots and cat bus routes over Christmas Break-YIPPEE. So now my backup parking lot was a resident parking lot. I was in disbelief. So then I had no Idea where to park. So me and the hyundai are fuming and I proceed to go all the way to football stadium to park in the very back under some tree. I get out in my jacket that shouldn't even be considered a jacket and walk to the Cat Bus, which proceeds to sit there for 15 minutes even though my class had already started 15 MINUTES AGO. It drops me off at some building that is still a 10 minute walk from my class. So guess what happened when I got to my class 30 min. late? The door was locked. I huffed off to the library to read trashy magazines until my next class. Oh note, when I was in a hurry to get off the cat bus my watch got caught on my bookbag and pulled the little pin out so it stopped keeping time. So when I was in the library I kept thinking I had plenty of time. Until I realized my watch wasn't working and was almost late to my next class. I had to sit in the VERY front seat, close enough to smell my professor and close enough to where I couldn't doodle, I HATE CLEMSON, on my notebook like I normally do to waste time. So then in my next class I was doing that thing where you cannot control how heavy your eyes are and your head keeps bobbing back and forth as you are trying with everything in you not to fall asleep. Did I mention I was sitting right in front of my professor again. So then after my last class I remembered I was parked in the pit and it made me sad to think I was going to have to walk there. I tried waiting on the Cat bus which never came. So I walked all the way to the pit (which is like a 30 min walk) in the rain and cold. Did I mention I forgot to bring lunch. It was 5:00 when I left. The next morning I woke up with a sore throat as a result. Oh and this morning, I got up early to make it to my lab at 9:30. I got there early at 9:15, but there was a class in there. So I waited outside, and I waited until like 9:25 because it didn't make sense that they would still be in there. I walked in and asked the professor if this was the 9:30 lab and she said (while looking at me like I was an idiot, which I probably looked like because I had already walked by like 3 times lookin like a creeper) that this was the 9:00-10:50 lab. So I proceeded to walk out and look at my schedule. It said 9:00-10:50. FML. I was too embarrased to go back in and proceeded to sit down and write this blog. Sorry its so long but I just needed to vent. Just a couple more months till I'm outta here. Can I get a hallelujah. Well hope you all are having a better week than me. At least tomorrows friday, right? Anywho, have a good day! Pura vida. How I wish I was in Costa Rica right now.

1 comment:

  1. How I wish I was anywhere that was WARM and dry. I love how you wrote, "...after speeding out of there like Cruella Devil" and not Cruella deVille... too was a devilish kind of day for you!! Hope your day is better Today. I love reading your rants... they make me laugh!!

    Love ya,
    Lisa S.
