Monday, January 31, 2011

Poached eggs and broken shoes

So in lieu of doing homework, or anything even remotely related to school, I have decided to write a blog. I didn't think it was humanly possible to have less motivation than I did last semester, but it seems that miracles do happen. Like I said I've almost already missed as many classes this semester as I did all of last semester, and to be completely honest, I'm not sure I really care. It seems that I am in the severe stages of senioritis. I don't think there is a cure, so I'm just accepting my disease and making the most of it. Don't judge me, I've worked hard for almost seventeen years now (thats counting kindergarten and all folks- I was a tiny overachiever even then). That's a long time. Well off that uninteresting subject that no one wants to talk about. As you all may know, very strange and embarrassing things happen to me quite frequently. Well this weekend, something that was even strange for me happened. This past Saturday, I went out to eat and to a movie with some peeps. (We went to see The Mechanic with Jason Statham. Needless to say, it was definitely a dude movie. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all for brains and guts flying everywhere and awkward gay scenes, but I guess this just wasn't quite my thing. I need a story line people with characters that live more than five minutes, is that too much to ask.) Anyway, before the movie I went to the bathroom and when I was walking out, the strap on one of my shoes broke. Now see if that was the only thing that happened, that would have been completely normal for me, especially considering these were my mothers shoes that I'm pretty sure she has had since the eighties. So I'm dragging my foot across the floor like freaking eegor to keep the broken shoe on and when I get to the ticket counter (which I swear is no more than 50 ft away-yeah not even that much) I can't find my ticket. while I'm in the process of finding my ticket, it feels like my other shoe is really loose. I took another step once I found my ticket and realized, yep you guessed it, that my OTHER shoe had broken too. At that point, I let my redneck side come out and straight up walked barefoot in the movie theater. I love walking barefoot so it didn't really bother me. The only reason I really only wear shoes is because for some reason other people don't think walking barefoot is socially acceptable. Society's standards are way too high for me. sheesh. Anywho, after the weekend, it still doesn't appear that I picked up any strange fungus or parasite from the Anderson Theater, which is kind of surprising. The next day I informed my mother of what had happened, and she actually told me my grandmother had passed the shoes down to her several years ago so suspicions that the shoes were from the eighties or beyond were confirmed. I'm not sure what's worse, that my shoes broke, or that I was wearing my grandmother's shoes out in public. Either way, don't judge. That's just my life. This morning I tried to poach an egg. I'm not sure how many of you have tried to do this, and maybe I was doing it wrong, but that bad boy took like 45 minutes to make. My mom and I just stared at the tiny egg for about 30 of those minutes. You should have seen us just watching this egg cook, staring at it like maybe it was going to turn into a chicken or something. Maybe we did it wrong. Who knows. I honestly will probably just stick to fried eggs. They are much more convenient to make. Well anywho, I've ranted for long enough about very unimportant things, but I hope you all have a wonderful week. Hopefully all of my shoes will stay intact-fingers crossed. PURA VIDA!

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