Monday, April 18, 2011


While taking a break from the million things I have to do before I become an alum, I thought it was appropriate to write a blog. For some reason, blogging is always very relaxing for me. It's actually a way for me to turn my brain off and just let whatever comes to my mind free. My poor brain is on its last leg. Seriously. When I was in 9th grade, I ran track and field and I used to do the 4 x 4 relay race (Yeah don't ask me why my long legged white girl self got thrown up in that race). I have to say that the 400 in track is one of the hardest races because you are at a dead out sprint the entire time. By the last 100 meters, you have lost all control of your body and you are just hoping somehow that your legs will take you past the finish line so you don't bust it and embarrass yourself in front of everyone. Although most people would say, "You are almost there, its only 100 meters" I can honestly say that those were the hardest 100 meters of my life. I used to seriously want to die every time I came around the last bend. Well, folks, that is exactly how I feel right now. I have worked so hard for 17 years and these last two weeks will be the end of me. yes, i know I am almost done, but i think these next two weeks are going to kill me. Either that, or the cause of the large brown spot that has made its way onto our apartment ceiling. Remember the waterfall that happened a few months ago, yeah, I think its about to be freakin Niagra falls up in Apt. 201. Well anyway, back to the point, my brain hurts. I dont think I can remember any more formulas, espanol, theories, logarithms ( I still don't even know what those are). I think my head is just going to pop off. That would be a funny site. Not for me. For you guys though. There is no vacancy left for useless information that I won't ever use again. One thing I am certain, college has made me dumb. Yes, you heard me right. College has actually lessened my intelligence. I can write 15 page analysis papers, but you know, I think spelling and addition are more beneficial for my life, and sadly those two skills have completely gone out the window. I am not even kidding when i say that I use a calculator to make sure that 2+2=4. I really do that. I can't add even the simplest things anymore. Thanks alot college, guess I won't ever be able to be a cashier and give back right change anymore (that was my dream growing up, i used to love, and still do, those self check out lanes at grocery stores). Oh well, I guess that's the price you pay to learn about statistical research methods (I almost just threw up in my mouth thinking about how awful that subject is). Welp, I suppose that is enough for now. It was nice to give my brain a break, even if for just a little while. There will probably be more posts soon, just to avoid the whole head popping off thing. I don't think my cap for graduation will fit very well if there isn't a head to put it on. Well hope you all have a fabulous day or night (whenever you find suiting to read this) Pura Vida!

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you Heather! I felt exactly the same 2 years ago just a few more weeks before marching down the aisle to receive my diploma. It was like all of my energy and strength sucked the life out of me. The 100-meters may seem too far enough and it's probably the most dreadful part but it will be worth it! It's your journey to the finish line that matters the most than the destination. Funny how God works, right? He just secretly gives us the strength to sustain us. You're almost there Heather, I'm so excited for your journey towards the finish line. After all of your hard work, you'll just find yourself standing, teary-eyed maybe, and grateful that you finally made it. One of the best feelings in the world :) Keep writing, it's a good way to release all of your stress :D Looking forward to celebrating with you on the finish line. Miss you dear! Love, Gela
