Sunday, August 1, 2010

It makes me happy to realize that people everywhere are the same. No seriously, no matter what country you go to people are all essentially the same. Yes there are cultural differences, but in the things that really matter, like family, love, and laughter people are all the same. For example, today I went downtown, and I was walking back instead of taking the bus (1 because I like to walk and 2 because I spent all of the colones I had in the market. I had to eat ice cream for lunch because it was the only thing that I could afford and unfortunately I realized that the banks are not open today or TOMORROW because its a national holiday AFTER I had spent all my money-son of I guess I'm living off 200 colonies or about 37 cents for the next two days haha)Like I said I was walking and my mom and dad will be happy to know that I saw a minivan with a luggage carrier. Not kidding. I guess its a universal concept to rock something that points you out as a tourist from miles away and prevent you from parking in anything even remotely close to a parking garage. Also I was walking up this hill, a pretty steep one at that, and I saw this minivan at the top gun it over the hill. But then I heard these two little kids laughing so adorably in the back seat as they passed me. Apparently their dad had sped up so they would go airborn a little bit. It was so cute. I laughed to myself. I remember riding the bus when I was younger and there was this one hill right by the public library and everyone would tell the bus driver to speed up so we could go airborn in the back. It was serious though. Like you would have to brace yourself if the bus driver went through with it and there was no chance in heck that the kids in the back of the bus were even remotely staying in their seats. SO MUCH FUN. See people are the same everywhere. As I was walking today, I realized how much I'm gonna miss this place. The sights, the smells, the sounds, the people. Im gonna miss being the only white person walking down the street. I wont however miss this dog that is barking shrilly in my ear right now err. But no seriously, this place is amazing :) I really do love it here. Dont get me wrong, I cant wait to see my family and friends, but this place has really grown on me. The hard part is that when I got here it was a hard transition because I had to uproot myself completely and plant my self back down again. Change isnt easy. Its uncomfortable. So I had to go through the whole process of getting used to everything. Now that it feels normal and confortable to live here, I have to uproot myself ALL over again and get used to living in America again. and let me tell you, it will probably be a culture shock going BACK to america. Where taxes arent included in the prices, people are alwasy in a hurry, and being late just isnt acceptable. Where guys arent going to tell me how pretty I am when i'm walking down the street, and where and umbrella isnt going to be a 5th limb. Driving...yeah what does that word mean again, and where the food is fresh not fried, preserved, with high fructose corn syrup and sodium included. And where I wont hear spanish unless I choose to. A place where people dont want to dance, and there isnt anwhere to dance. Yeah its gonna be a reverse culture shock I think. But I assure you, I do love America, and i do look forward to some good SC air. I have had an amazing summer. i took advantage of every opportunity I was given. I met so many amazing people with so many amazing stories. I did things that I didnt have the confidence in myself to do. I was humiliated all the time, but it helped cultivate my humility. I learned how to slow down and relax and do the things I wanted to do. To somewhat put myself first and be independent. I learned a little bit more how to have a personality and be funny when Im speaking spanish (you wouldnt realize that that is probably one of the hardest parts of speaking a language) I got to invade someone elses home and I went to another country while I was here. It was not always easy, but this experience was necessary. I've grown up so much, and I've learned so much about myself, life, and other people. Its been good. i dont regret it one second. Not that i would necessarily do it again, but I enjoyed the experience that I had. Well I love and miss you all. PURA VIDA.

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