Friday, July 30, 2010

Yeah, Yeah I know its been a while...but school has been crazy. Okay people I literally leave in a week from tomorrow. How crazy is that. And yes I am ready to leave but I will say that this has been such an incredible experience. I dont regret coming. I was really excited about leaving until today, because some people in my program are leaving tomorrow and when I had to say bye to them, it hit me that Im leaving in a week. Let me just tell you guys. Costa Rica is awesome. You really cant complain about anything. The only thing I've found to complain about is the rain. But it does make everything green, so I guess it serves a purpose. whatever. I mean the people are amazing, the country is beautiful, and the way of life here is awesome. I'm basically done with my classes. My spanish class is done!!!!! Wooo Hoo. I have to say undoubtedly that my spanish teacher, mila, was the best spanish teacher I have ever had. Had I had her as my spanish teacher the entire time, I would probably be fluent by now. actually, I just completely made that up bc I doubt I will ever be fluent BUT she was the best spanish teacher I have ever had. I learned so much from here, not just about spanish, but just about life. so yeah, like I said this week in school has been crazy. Wednesday, I had my final exam where my partner and I had to be a doctor and nurse (only in Costa Rica does your final exam consist of role playing and make believe). We had to have a consultation with a patient who had hypertension and tell them what they needed to do to control it. Well Mila had told us that our patient was going to be this older woman who really had hypertension. So I was preparing myself for that. I made all my adjectives feminine and I practiced what I was going to say alot-with that little old hypertensive lady in mind. So I get there wednesday morning and I was pretty nervous (which I always am when I have to present something in spanish). So my partner meg and I are just roaming anxiously about, and Mila comes in finally (you know, tico time) and informs us that our patient was here. Well guess who walks in. It sure wasnt the little old tica that I had been imagining. It was HOT 26 year old Esteban that works for Veritas. So on top of being nervous about having to speak spanish, my brain completely stopped working once I saw him. I got so nervous, and I was tripping over all of my words. I had to take his blood pressure, when someone clearly should have been taking mine at that moment. And guess what our "hypertensive" patient's blood pressure was...126/83 which is about as perfect as you can get. He asked me what that number meant and I had to make up some bull that it was a little elevated even though normal was 120/80. Sheesh, cant a girl catch a break. Of cours young sexy esteban wouldnt have high blood pressure. After that, I had to give him a speech on how he should be eating better and exercising more although I could tell from his perfect physique was completely unneccessary. After he informed us that he went to the gym several times a week, Meg and I were completely done for. Fortunately, we finished and Mila said we did fine. That was a miracle considering my brain had stopped working and my heart was literally about to burst out of my chest. Well the next day was interesting as well because I got to be the patient for the beginner and intermediate students. I had diabetes at one point and the girl proceeded to tell me that I ate too many greasy foods and was overweight. Confidence booster for sure. Well before class let me tell you guys what happened. Right before I was heading to class, I went to use the bathroom and brush my teeth and stuff. Well when I went to shut the door to the bathroom, the handle literally broke off. from the inside. Yeah. I kept trying to put it back on but it just wasnt happening. so there I was Locked inside the bathroom. I had class in like 20 minutes, and it takes 15 to get there. So I kept trying and kept trying to put the handle back on because I really did not want to have to start screaming my mama tica's name. Of course, this WOULD happen to me. So I looked up and remembered there was a windo you could see out of. I climbed on the shower so I could peer out like I was a freaking convict. My mama tica was nowhere around. Right beside my shower is a mirror and when I saw my reflection in the mirror, I just busted out laughing at how funny the situation was. After this moment, I just decided there was no way out so I started screaming my mama tica's name and beating on the door. She still never came! so then I starting thinking she had left the house and I was just going to be stuck in my bathroom until she came back. I kept screaming her name, which was interrupted by my own laughs at how ridiculous this situation was, until finally I heard my mama tica say that she was coming. She came downstairs and I literally had to say "I cant open the door" to which she proceeded to turn the handle like it was nothing, she kind of just looked at me like I was someone retarded to which I tried to explain the handle was broken (which in spanish was kind of a fail) I then just got my books together and marked that as another random situation that would only happen to me. Well after I was a patient for some of the beginner students, meg and I had ANOTHER presentation about contraceptives. that was fun. And I finally got to put a condom on a banana. I was deprived growing up in Walhalla. We never got to do that. It was a fun and entertaining way to end the class. Only in Costa Rica. Well this has been really long. Hopefully I will have more time this coming week to blog, since it will be my last week to blog about my costa rica experiences. I hope you all have enjoyed them. I'm glad my humiliation can bring you all entertainment. Well Love you all. My return is so imminent that I'm not really even that homesick anymore. mainly just because I know I will be there in a little over a week. PURA VIDA

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