Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Friday!

Okay so I'm using a spanish keyboard to write this so if it looks like I need hooked on foniks just ignore it. Man these keyboards are tricky. Its like when you go into Walmart and for some really retarded reason they have decided to change the entire store around and you cant find ANYTHING you are looking for. Yeah its kind of like that. Why do stores do that? yeah it might look asthetically pleasing, but you are confusing your poor consumers. We are like lost puppies just trying to find where the darn toilet paper is. Sheesh. Yeah none of the keys are in the right spot, all of the punctuation looks like someone just ate all the keys and threw them up back onto the keyboard. They are all in different places. I am trying to avoid writing questions or things that need anything other than a period. Well like the title of todays blog implies ITS FRIDAY baby. And although fridays arent quite as sweet as they were when I didnt have to work because now I have school, they are still pretty awesome. I just finished my first exam! phew...i was super nervous because we had to do "patient simulation" as our exam (this class is all about application). So basically we had to be doctors and we had to diagnose a patient (who was some random person that our teacher somehow convinced to volunteer.) My patient was one of the cleaning ladies. She was super sweet. The part I was so nervous about was that we had NO idea what symptoms the patient was going to tell us. We had to take what they told us and then decide from all the medical expertise we have (yeah my medical expertise is at about a negative 2) what lab tests and exams they needed. Then we had to give them recommendations about what they needed to do. First of all, IM NOT A DOCTOR. Im not even studying medicine and quite frankly i dont really want to. and how the heck am I supposed to know what tests you need when Im not even quite sure what some of them are. But whatever. Luckily my lady had the symptoms of high blood pressure, so luckily I had somewhat prepared for that. Thank you hypertension. I am so relieved thats over. I only have TWO weeks of spanish class left that consists of 2 presentations and one final exam, which is similar to the one I did today and then I'm done!!! woot woot party over here. Last night I went to Castro's (that salsa club I go to every week) with none other than my mama tica. My mama tica is so cool. Seriously, she is so pretty, I was so excited that she wanted to go with me to castros. She looks so young and has the cutest style. You would never guess she has a 17 year old daughter. And she is an amazing dancer. I loved watching her dance. There were a lot of people there last night. It was pretty fun. This weekend we are going to Arenal Volcano. It was erupting when I first got here, so there may be a chance I could see some lava. When I was younger, I used to be obsessed with the movie Dante's Peak. The volcano movie with Pierce Brosnan so this is like fulfilling a huge dream of mine. Hopefully this trip will be better than my nicaragua volcano experience. Hopefully there wont be any sulfuric gases to burn my corneas. (fingers crossed) Okay guys I come home in 3 more weeks from this sunday. I can totally do this. This is like the last couple of miles in the marathon. My legs are basically moving by themselves as if independent from my body like Micheal flatly lord of the dance (thank you chandler from FRIENDS for that quote) Well I love and Miss you all....Also a big shoutout to the group going to Colombia today!!! Im going to be so close (only panama seperates us) but so far away. I cant wait to see what God is going to do through you guys. Be fearless and do great things!!! Love and be Loved. Im so proud of all of you for the sacrifices you made to go on this trip and for what you are doing. We are ALL the church and I'm glad that although I am not there, you guys are there loving the people of Colombia. It doesnt matter who does it, just as long as someone does. Cant wait to hear stories and see pics! You guys are awesome. Ill be praying for you guys :) love you all

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