Friday, July 2, 2010

The List

Yesterday was my last day at the Clinic. Can you all believe it?! I sure cant. I did it...I really did it. The thing I was dreading so much is already over. I am now over halfway done with my time here. Although I'm not really gonna miss "the clinic" and the long butt commute, I am going to miss the people there. I have to say that the relationships and friendships that I made with the people there were the best part of my experience. I mean I did learn some things and spoke a little spanish, but getting to know those people and share six weeks of my life with them was the best part about it. Well yesterday, since it was thursday, I helped Ligia with the Pregnancy Class again. Now let me tell you guys, I really dont do that much here. Pretty much I just get all the stuff from Ligia's office and take it to the auditorium and thats about it. Well, one thing that has somehow become my responsability is "THE LIST." This list is the attendance sheet for all the Embarazadas "pregnant women" and acompanantes "Their companion-whether its their mom, boyfriend, or husband" I'm going to stop right here and tell you all that I LITERALLY loathe this list. It is like my worst enemy. Now you wouldnt think that passing around an attendance sheet would be such a nuisance, but oh, it is. Okay first of all I brought the clip board into the auditorium and just sat it there because there were only like 5 or six people when I got there. i was going to wait until the class started to pass it around because thats WHAT WEVE DONE EVERY SINGLE OTHER TIME, and people always come in late and they get skipped. And then at the end when Ligia asks if everyone has signed it, there are always like a million people who raise their hand that they need it and ligia just looks at me like "Why have all these people not signed it. What is your problem. you are supposed to make sure they sign it?" Im always like okay first of all YOU DIDNT TELL ME I WAS SUPPOSED TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE HAS SIGNED IT. i guess you just assumed that and i didnt READ YOUR MIND. Anyway, I waited until the class started to pass it around, and at the beginning of the class (before I had passed it out because I didnt want to disturb the whole class) someone asked about it (ERR. these people are obsessed with this stupid attendance sheet) and ligia just looked at me like "wheres it at" and i told her I wanted to wait until everyone was here and she was like "no, you cant do that." I was like, okay, so how was I supposed to know that this time was different than every other time. Im a creature of habit gosh darnit. Second, I have NO FREAKIN WAY of controlling how these people pass this dum freaking clipboard around *even thought ligia apparently expects me to produce massive MIND control to make sure everyone signs it). Let me tell you. There is no order to it at all. you know to me it makes sense just to pass it down the rows, then when it gets to the end pass it back to the next row, you know. OHHHH NOOO. they just pass it wherever the heck they want. Back, front, side, three rows back to some random woman in the middle. Sometimes they just punt it to the back of the auditorium and see who can catch it (haha just kidding, they are pregnant they cant punt that well. if they could though, they seriously probably would) I was getting so frustrated yesterday, because of my past experienced getting looked at like I was a pure RETARD because not everyone had signed the list (even though it is completely out of my control) I watched that thing like a HAWK yesterday. I was making sure that every single person was gonna sign it. I just stood at the back of the auditorium and stared at it with a burning fire in my eyes jaja. And when someone didnt pass it the right way and people got skipped, I got so mad haha. I was like "what is your freakin problem. why cant you just pass it in somewhat of an organized fashion?!" I pretty much felt like my whole life hinged on this tiny list. And let me tell you, they take FOREVER to signt. I dont know what this "list's" issue is, but is has some serious issues. It takes the ENTIRE class for everyone to sign this THREE FREAKIN HOURS. whatever. Also, another issue it has is that there are TWO lists not just one. there is One for the embarazadas and one for the acompanantes. they are both clipped to the same clip board, the one for the acompanantes is just behind the other one. But somehow, NO ONE ever sees the one for the acompanantes, and then they ask for it like A MILLION TIMES. Okay well today, I took it upon myself to ask ligia to explain about the TWO list thing. She just looked at me and said "you can do it" I was like "uhh, okay" because that would mean I was going to have to make an announcement IN SPANISH to about 50 people. Basically I just did the best I could to convey that there were two lists. After I did this, Ligia asked them if they understood and basically did it in a way that was like "they totally understand about that, that was retarded that you had to explain that. No one needed it" so yeah, Ligia always makes me feel bad about this thing. Anyway, I just sat down, well actually stood up the whole time so I could watch the clip board like I was smeegal (spelling) from lord of the rings and that board was "my precious" Well even after my unnecessary explanation. Guess what I got asked like 6 or seven times? "where is the sheet for the acompanantes?" SEE, I told you Ligia. I knew that was going to happen. Whatever. When Ligia asked this time, there was only ONE girl that hadnt signed it. HALLELUJAH! WOOT WOOT. I felt like I deserved a freakin prize for getting everyone to sign that thing. Does anyone else other than me think this attendance sheet is more trouble than it EVER should be? Anyway, so thats what I did yesterday. But now I'm done :):({that means its sort of bittersweet, the smiley and frowny face being right beside each other} I'm gonna miss the people but I am super happy that i'm done with my work, and got 140 hours, not just 135-go me haha. Clemson will be happy with me.psh they probably wont even look at my hours. whatever. Well thats about all for now. I'm just chilling in san Jose this weekend after my EIGHT hour journey last weekend. i'm kind of bussed out at this moment. I get to meet all my classmates Sunday and start classes on Monday. :) it should be fun. Well I love and MIIISSSSSSSS you all :) only 5 more weeks and Ill be home. Love yall. PURA VIDA

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