Saturday, July 3, 2010

Extra! Extra!: Big White Girl Takes Tumble

Well before I explain the story behind the title of today's blog, let me just tell you guys. I am in love. Completely head over heels smitten. Sigh. I'm really considering staying here because of this newfound love. And who may you ask has completely swept me off my feet between yesterday and today. Well I'm not ashamed to proclaim my love for the Banana Hawaiana from Pops. Yes, I said it. I just got back from a rendevous with my lover at the central comercial del sur. Let me just tell you guys how we met. First of all, you all know that I LOVE SWEETS and pretty much eat some kind of pastry or ice cream virtually every day (yeah we already discussed how I'm going to look like free willy when I get home). Well today I was trying to decide what I wanted for lunch. I just could not think of anything that I wanted. That was until I remembered the banana hawaiana. Okay, normally when i go to Pops i just get an ice cream cone because everything else is pretty expensive. Well the other day when I was in there, these two girls had the banana hawaianas and they looked so delicious. So I decided that is what I wanted to eat for lunch today. Just that. Nothing else. nothing nutritious or even remotely lacking sugar. So I got up and made my way to the comercial center. All i could think about was how amazing this was going to be. As I entered PoPs, i saw it on the menu. I knew that we would soon be meeting. I ordered and paid in all coins (1500 colones-yeah thats like $3.00 BUT that was the only thing I ate for lunch and it was TOTALLY worth every colon that I spent). So there I was waiting to meet my sweet, sweet love. I watched the girl create every part of it. I was seriously entirely too excited about this, but being in Costa Rica you learn to sincerely enjoy the most simple things. I ordered it to go, and she packed it up and handed it over to me. I walked out of there with such an anticipation that could not be measured. I sat down and opened the bag to reveal the holy grail of ice cream. Let me just describe to you what this is. First, obviously there are bananans right. Well the hawaiana part means there is pineapple (you know hawaian pizza?) So basically on the bottom, there is a scoop of pineapple nieve (thats sort of like sherbert. its ice cream made without milk) I had no idea what all was in this thing when I ordered it, but the more i discovered what was in it, the more i fell in love. AND THEN Along with the pineapple nieve, there was two scoops of some kind of fruit sherbert (I think it was guava and some kind of awesomeness that was a tiny bit tangy) AND THEN...on top of that she placed a scoop of vanilla ice cream. around the vanilla ice cream was a carousel of bananas...AND THEN [all these AND THENS are for brandi :)] on top of it all she drizzled a mixture of fresh fruit in their syrups. SWEET MOTHER. With every bite, my heart skipped a beat. It was the perfect mixture of sweet and sour and banana and fruit goodness. Like every bite was so bittersweet because it was so unbelievable amazing, but at the same time with each bite, i knew that our time together was coming to a close. I watched it start to dwindle, but even as I ate the last bite, I was okay because i was completely satisfied. My taste buds and stomach were so unbelievably satisfied. I was super content with the decision I had just made in my life. I dont feel like that all the time but, this was one of the few moments that i felt completely content with the decision I had made. AHHHH it was sooo good. I am sad that there are not Pops in America :( but its alright. If I'm never able to eat another banana hawaiana again, I feel okay because of the amazing day we shared together today. Well enough about my love, let me just tell you guys on the way home from the center, i saw a convenience store with an advertisement for TANG. en serio. I was like "you do realize its not 1970 anymore, right?" anyway, to explain todays title, let me start by saying that I decided to go for a run today. It hasnt rained today, the sun was out, and I havent gone running in a really long time. So all the conditions of today added up for a perfect day to run. I went to this amazing park by my house that I had never been to before, but my roommate merri had told me about. Its really big, and there were a lot of people running, flying kites, selling things, playing soccer etc. It has a great little track around it, and there is this PERFECT field for some ultimate frisbee (I'm going to try and convince some of my classmates to go with me someday). So I started running around the track and it was going really good. Well I decided I was going to run around it three times and then run around this other smaller inside track. Well as I was making the last turn on my third lap, the inevitable happened. And fact of the matter, I saw my demise before it happened. The pavement got a little yacked up at one point and I had made it past there twice before, but it got me that last time. You know its interesting when you fall, because there is this point when you trip that once you go past it there is no hope that you are possible going to stay on your feet. But its kind of interesting because once you go past that point its like everything goes in SLOOOOOWWWWWW motion. Its like you are watching yourself fall and you know its happening but there is absolutely nothing that you can do to prevent it from happening. Needless to say, this happened to me and I fell flat on my face. Yup, this big white girl took a big ol tumble. Well actually right before my face hit the pavement, i somehow managed to like slide on my belly like I was sliding into homeplate. Either way I'm sure it was frickin hilarious. But I'm so used to being clumsy and awkward that it was totally normal to me. There were only three people who saw it, so to me, thats a success. I just got up waved my hand casually and told them i was okay. You know in the way that you are trying to be funny so you arent quite as embarrassed. Long story short, I got a skinned up knee and elbow, but that was about it. I kept running for a few more minutes and then decided to go home. Such a typical Heather move. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I hadnt tripped up until this point (which is really quite miraculous) so my fate decided that it had been too long since something insanely embarrasing happened to me. Quite honestly, it happens so frequently that I'm kind of used to it and dont really get embarrassed anymore. Well just wanted to share that with you all. Love you all and MISS YOU! PURA VIDA

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