Tuesday, July 13, 2010

McDonalds, Movies, and Monkeys

Well its been about a week since I've written. Between school work, traveling, and homesickness I just havent really felt like blogging lately. So the power just came on a little bit ago. I was in McDonalds drinking some coffee when all of a sudden the power went out. It started raining soon after that so I decided to sit in McDonalds and read the only thing I had brought with me, my bible. Let me just tell you guys, I am one of those "new testament" gals that normally just flips to one of the "ians" (corinthians, galatians etc-yeah i call them the Ians) to find something encouraging or something that intrigues me, but I decided that I wanted to investigate the old testament. So I literally skimmed through the ENTIRE old testament. I stumbled across some interesting passages to say the least. I want to highlight one for you guys' entertainment. Its in Judges 3: 12-30. Its about this guy named Ehud. He was one of the judges or leaders of Isreal. Basically Ehud made this really awesome sword and strapped it to his right thigh (yeah if I was a guy, I dont think this would be the first place to put a sharp sword but whatever). Anyway there was this king named Eglon, who the bible literally says "was a very fat man" they didnt try to be nice and say big boned or anything. they just said it like it was. Anyway, Ehud approaches this king when he was sitting by himself in his room and grabs his big machete that is strapped to his leg and plunges it into this dudes stomach (awesome). it says he didnt pull the sword out because the king's fat closed up over it (jabba the hut anyone) Anyway Ehud leaves the dead king there and locks the door. It then says that the kings servants found the door locked and just assumed the king was relieving himself. It says, and I quote " verse 25: They waited to the POINT OF EMBARRASSMENT, but when he did not open the door of the room, they took a key and unlocked them. There they saw their lord fallen to the floor dead." okay first of all Ehud is awesome. Second, what is this point of embarrassment that they are talking about? What is the appropriate amount of time to stay in the bathroom before it becomes "embarrassing" I guess its that point when you come out of the bathroom and everyone else in the room knows exactly what you have been doing, and any excuse you may try to make up wont work anymore so you should just fess up to the dirty deed you've been doing. Anyway, there are so many random stories like this in the bible. Well after i had skimmed through the entire old testament, the power was still out in McDonalds. I looked up and realized that there were mostly only workers there. I decided to leave despite the fact that there was literally a monsoon outside, as I went to leave, the door was locked. I thought the sign said 24 hours but whatever. But seriously, why did no one tell me that I was the ONLY person in there?! All they had to do was tell me they were closing up, jeez. so then I had to stand at the door while they were all yelling "the key! the Key!" to let me out. Yeah, so typical. "White Girl needs out. She doesnt speak spanish, so we are going to yell Key in english so she knows we are trying to get her out." whatever. Well school has been...well school. Its definitely been a little intimidating. I mean in my medical spanish, some of the stuff I dont even know in English. How in the heck am I supposed to tell someone what to do for a gastroscopy if I dont even know what that is in English. it can be frustrating at times. Luckily in both of my classes I have already watched a movie so thats good. We watched the Movie Sicko last night. It is very biased, liberal, yes, but it is very eye opening. Why is the US the ONLY country in the western world with a jacked up medical system that is costing billions of dollars and sending thousands of people into bankruptcy. I dont know what the answer is but I have to say, seeing the healthcare system here has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I mean, EVERYONE gets healthcare. for free (well people who work pay money out of their paycheck so technically its not free). Yeah its definitely not perfect, and I'm not saying its what we need to do, but it works for them, and they are healthier than we are soo yeah. Not even gonna get started on that cuz we will be here a while. Just ask Josh haha. Anyway this weekend I went to Manuel Antonio. Its this really popular beach here in Costa Rica. It was seriously like Paradise. Lost. For real. We had this amazing beach practically to ourselves and we stayed in a beach front resort. I tried surfing a little, and I really want to try it again. The waves were kind of brutal. Everyone who tried to surf had some kind of battlewound, or at least a ton of salt water in their sinuses. I didnt really do much. Other people did different things like horseback riding, or night canopy tours, but honestly I didnt feel like spending $70 to do them and I just wanted to chill. Manuel antonio should be called MONO Antonio. Mono being spanish for Monkey. There were monkeys EVERYWHERE. Especially when we were eating breakfast. They would literally try to steal our food- mainly our bananas- how cliche huh. Most people thought they were cute, but I know the truth behind their beady eyes. They have alterior motives and I can see right through their cute faccade. they are just constantly coordinating with one another how to attack and take over the gringos and steal all of our food. Oh I know. They are not sweet and innocent. Lets just say they creep me out. Well this has been extraordinarily long, but i love you all. Sorry I kept you all waiting. MISS YOU GUYS sooo unbelievably much. Beyond words. Be home soon. PURA VIDA!

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