Thursday, July 22, 2010

Okay so remember last post how I told you all the derogatory terms they give to things related to marriage, well today i learned that Costa Rica has a SEVENTY percent divorce rate. Thats 20% higher than in America. And its only about the size of West Virginia (or so they say all the time). My profesora also informed us that about 90%, yes 90%, of men are unfaithful here. I guess we girls dont have it too bad in America huh. My professor is married to a gringo. She made gringos sound like princes compared to ticos. She says all the men here are "machistas" which literally translates to "male chauvinists" in English. Okay in costa Rica, people, guys and girls, live with their parents until they are married. So there are literally lots or thirty plus guys that still live with their moms, not only live with their moms...their moms do EVERYTHING for them. clean, cook, give them money to do things. So they basically never grow up, or thats what my professor said anyway. She even said that when a man gets divorced, which happens a lot, a majority of the time he will GO BACK and live with his mom. I literally said this in class today, "okay in America, if a guy doesnt have a job and doesnt do anything and expects his mama to do everything, he AINT gonna have a girlfriend" To that, my professora responded that it doesnt matter here. Okay ticas, if a guy doesnt do anything and expects his mama to do everything, when you get married hes probably gonna expect the same to you. And then he's probably gonna cheat on you. and then you are probably going to get divorced. My professora said the only friends of hers that are still married are those married to gringos. Interesting. She said mainly bc gringos are more respectful, dont mind when a woman is independent, and tend to be more faithful. Although Im sure a lot of gringas might disagree, compared to ticos, I think she's right. Guess I wont really complain about guys in America anymore, not that I really did in the first place. I really enjoy my class, because out of the Four hours of class we have everyday, we talk for about three and work/learn for about one. And we talk about interesting things, like cultural differences, and relationships, and what we think people are going to look like in the future (yeah we actually talked about that today). Its all really interesting things and we laugh a lot. We also talk about lots of spanish words that have bad connatations that a lot of gringos dont realize-so when they say them its pretty funny. One thing that I found funny today is that sometimes women here call their husband's television "la zorra" which is the word for "slut" haha. meaning that he spends more time with it than with her. well technically "La zorra" means "the fox" which in english is traditionally a compliment to be called a fox you know. Like my mom, she's a fox. And shannon Hamilton. She's a foxy lady as well. I dont think either of those ladies would get offended if I said that. Its a good thing. however, here calling somone "a fox" has a totally different meaning that could potentially be offensive. Yeah, I think thats one of the hardest parts of learning spanish. There are so many different sayings. so even when you think you can speak spanish, there is always more to learn, because every country has different sayings. tonight I'm going to a cooking class...woop woop..because this girl needs to learn how to cook. En serio. Well I guess thats all for today. I'm going to an awesome beach called Tamarindo tomorrow for the weekend. We are staying in this BOMB hotel. I'm excited. I hope and pray that I can get some sun because this is my last chance to get anything that is even remotely close to a tan. Seriously you guys, dont expect me to be tan or to be able to speak spanish fluently when I get back. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. I promise you that you all have seen the sun WAY more than I have. The sun is like a distant cousin that you only see on holidays down here. And just because you go to a country that speaks spanish doesnt guarentee that you are going to be fluent. I can GET BY. thats about it. and to be honest, i think I'm okay with that. So dont hate when you ask me how to say something in Spanish and I dont know. I'm still a gringa after all, which I wouldn't change for anything. Well love you all! countdown: 16 days until im in the US. 17 days until SC-the best state EVER! PURA VIDA

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