Monday, July 19, 2010

Volcanos and other things

Okay, so valuable vocab I learned in Spanish Class today. The word for wife "esposa" comes from the word "esposas" which means handcuffs. A wedding band is called "El Cancer" which is exactly how it sounds, and the title given to one's "mother-in-law" is literally "La Serpiente" or the snake. So yeah, I guess you get the gist of how they feel about marriage here in Costa Rica. We also talked about politics, and our teacher told us that most people in Costa Rica didnt think the Clinton Scandal was a scandal at all. They thought that the most powerful man in the world should be able to have as many women as he wanted. That's an interesting perspective huh. This weekend was the most amazing weekend of my time here in Costa Rica. It was awesome. Okay saturday morning I woke up at like 5:30 to get all my stuff ready because we had to leave at 6:30. I had no idea my mama tica was going to get up to make me breakfast but when I came out of the bathroom, she was in the kitchen and she said she would make me sandwich and a coffee. When I came out of my room, she had already gone back upstairs and had left me a note that wished me a good trip beside my sandwich. She got up super early JUST to make me breakfast even though she didnt have to. She is SOOO sweet. And did I tell you guys she washes my clothes BY HAND! Yeah, I feel so bad now. I didnt know that until I went up there one day and she was scrubbing my clothes in this sink on the patio. And she does our laundry twice a week. We left at 6:30 saturday morning and all 70 of us gringos piled onto two large buses. We made a pit stop to eat breakfast (pancakes YUMMY. I've eaten eggs since I've been here so pancakes tasted amazing). On our bus we watched FRIENDS the entire time. Lets just say that I was one happy camper. Its funny cuz on our bus rides they just literally hand out dremamine to anyone and everyone who needs it. Im proud to be a part of an organization that hands out drugs freely. Go ISA. We went to this waterfall called La Fortuna. It was so pretty. The hike down should have been called "La Muerte" or the death, because the stairs were so steep and between my clumsiness, the fact that I was holding a freaking umbrella [cuz obviously it was raining. Ive decided that wherever I go, the rain feels the need to accompany me. Its like a lost puppy looking for a home and feels the need to find whatever location I'm at as its home] and trying to hold on to the rope that was only like a foot off the groung (yeah that did a lot of good) The chances that I was going to slip and die far outweighed the posibility that I was going to make it down safely. Somehow by the sweet grace of God I made it down without killing myself or any of the other 70 kids with me. The water was really cold so I didnt swim even though most people did. We left there and stopped for lunch. This was the first time I could behold the magnificence that was called "Arenal Volcano" it was awesome. There was smoke coming out of the top. I know this sounds bad but I really wanted to see lava. I realize that had their been lava, it could have potentially destroyed the hotel that we stayed at, but whatever. It still would have been awesome. Okay, can I just tell you guys that we stayed in the most pimp daddy hotel that I've ever stayed at. Like I said, it was directly in front of the volcano, there were freakin natural hot springs, pools, slides, a swim up bar, a spa with massages, and a restaurant that fed us buffets for breakfast lunch and dinner. The food was so delicious. Buffets call to me. We speak the same language of "yum" Its quite funny, because our group really is like a big group of cattle, roaming about in search of food. Everyone is always asking what time we are going to eat next, and where we were going to eat. Yesterday, I went canyoning. We got to repel down 5 waterfalls. in three of them we were literally in the waterfall. It was really awesome. I didnt take any pics because I didnt take my camera, but we all bought a disk with the pics on it. the first waterfall i went down, I was zoom zooming, but by doing this I didnt get to put my legs out in time and I just banged into the side of the mountain. Dont worry, it didnt hurt at all. Whats better is that everyone in the group who has already gone, is looking up watching every move you make, and basically just staring at your butt essentially. But its all good. When we were canyoning we had this harness with this harcore hardware that would clang together when we walked, and seriously guys we sounded like a bunch of cattle with cowbells on. Everyone like our directors or tour guides just have to herd us along. Well thats about it. Sorry this one was so long, but I figure if you guys want to read my blog you wont mind how long it is ( I still cant believe anyone wants to take the time to read anything I have to say, but whatever) You guys are amazing. I love you all and Miss you. 20 days. thats it!!! then I will be in good ol SC. I miss that place. well PURA VIDA!

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