Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Total Slacker

Okay guys completely sorry it has been a REALLY long time since I last blogged. My bad. It has been much too long, especially since so much has happened in that time. Lets see last week I was sick most of the week, which I do feel better by the way. Luckily, I didnt hack up my entire lung, just small parts of it. Tiny thoughts of tuburculosis entered my mind at times, but only when I sounded like a smoker with emphysema. But luckily since I havent lost any weight since I've been here, I think tuburculosis can be ruled out (and the fact that I'm better now). I basically didnt work any last week (which I didnt really mind :) so anyway, this past weekend I went to Nicaragua. I would love to write about it but honestly this blog would be longer than the state of Florida so I'm going to try and sum it up the main points
  • I went to a foreign country with only one other gringa and we really had no idea where to go (this was not the original plan. Our tico friend got denied access into Nicaragua at the border)
  • Nicaragua is HOT. I was basically a puddle the whole time
  • It takes 8 HOURS by bus to get there
  • Things in Nicaragua are much cheaper
  • Grenada is NOT a beach town as I was told and the reason I wanted to go. It is on Lake Nicaragua and the sand part that might be considered a beach is covered in Trash.
  • Nicaragua in relation to Costa Rica is very similar to Mexico's relationship to the US
  • It rained the ONE day we were there. Seriously, the rain freakin followed me because it doesnt normally rain that much in Nicaragua
  • Grenada is sort of like charleston
  • We went to a volcano. There was a mixture of rain and sulfuric gases that prevented any possible viewing of the volcano. Awesome
  • We had to wear gas masks because of how intense the gas was from the volcano. Otherwise, you got light headed. Also the gas made your eyes sting.
  • We also got completely soaked trying to climb to the top just so we could see the gas from a higher elevation.
  • 8 hours is entirely too long to go for a weekend.
  • Immigration SUCKS
Anyway, If you would like to know the whole story, I'll tell you. Needless to say, it was an adventure and quite interesting.

This morning, I was craving an Iced coffee like none other. I have never craved iced coffee in mmy life, but i guess there is a first time for everything. I went to McDonalds and got a Cappuccino Frappe. Sweet Lord. It was totally worth the three fifty I paid for it and the mountain of whipped cream they put on it (Dairy is basically my arch nemesis and I would NEVER pay 3.50 for a drink in America). It was so delicious. I seriously looked like a savage eating it as I was walking to my bus this morning. But to be completely honest I just didnt even care. I was using a combination of spoon and straw action to eat it. I'm pretty sure there was whipped cream all over my face, but like I said, i didnt care. Today, was the first day that my roommate Merri was coming to the clinic. The next two days we get to go together :) Its crazy that I only have two days left. Honestly, its been cool. but I'm kind of ready for a change. Today, I did absolutely nothing. I got to the clinic and I was supposed to meet Ligia at some school. Okay side note, in costa rica, they arent too specific. They will just tell you "meet me at the school in the morning" and forget to tell you things like I dont know the name of the school, or even maybe where its at. So this morning I spent an hour wandering around trying to find "the school" After wandering around for an hour, i got to the school pretty much for Ligia to tell me that they didnt really need me. So I went back to the clinic and basically just sat outside to wait for Merri to come so I could ride back home with her to show her which bus to take home. Anyway, we went home together and then we both needed to go to the DUM DUM DUM BANK!!! The horror. Let me just tell you guys that I went to the bank last thursday and was in and out in literally five minutes. Today, however was like that one day and it took forever. It was even worse than that other time. We were FIFTY behind when we walked in this time instead of just TWENTY. luckily this woman beside Merri gave us her number which was like thirty ahead of ours. What a saint. I just dont understand what is up with their banks here. We were there for an hour. At one in the afternoon. What were all these people doing here at ONE in the afternoon. Does nobody work around here. obviously you are if you have money to put in the bank...whatever. Anyway, that was about all. Sorry it has been so long. I will try to be more consistent. I start classes on monday and I get to meet all my new classmates on Sunday. Yippee :) Who knew I would EVER be excited for school to start. Weird. Well love and MISS you all. I am a little homesick but its all good. I miss english, a lot. haha. but I really do LOVE you all. Pura Vida

1 comment:

  1. I am really excited to meet you too! Do you already know what level of spanish you are going to be in?
