Sunday, June 13, 2010

This is one of those days I should have brought a camera

Well I just woke up from a nap which is a pasttime that I have moved from amateur to professional in. Today I woke up and listened to a podcast from Hillsong and had church well in my room, by myself. My room has become my own private sanctuary. Yesterday, I got to listen to the worship and devotion with the group in Thailand over skype. It was awesome. My brother even did the devotion. It was like I was there with them even though I am half a world and half a day away. What I've learned through this whole experience is that WE are the church (Its not a building or a religion with strict rules and regulations or a place where people may feel rejected or abandoned) no our lives collectively form the church. And although I may not be in thailand with the group, God's will is being done there and that is enough for me. They are God's hands and feet there and I'm here, being his tiny pinky toe :) No matter where we are, we are all in this together and as long as someone is doing it, then I'm okay with that. Today I really wanted to go downtown and just check it out. When I got there, there was a group of young people doing a performance in a park there (Exactly the same THING we do when we do our mission trips) it was like I was on the flip side of watching the dramas. I was in the crowd listening to the message of Jesus, watching a group of young people dressed in black and faces painted white [mime style all the way] doing dramas sharing the message of Jesus Christ rather than being thrown all over the place in Everything. It was almost a little weird but at the same time it just reminded me of our mission trips. {and these people were doing it in their own community which was awesome} Not to mention hearing a message and watching this was exactly what I needed since I havent found a church yet. They also had hillsong "united we stand" playing! So I got to talk to the pastor during the presentation and I told him about how we have a group that does this same exact thing and how we have a lot of dramas to Hillsong's music. I also told him I was looking for a church here. Basically, he told me I might have an opportunity to show their group our dramas so they could do them here. You can not even imagine how happy that made me. Seriously, I was honestly hoping that I would have the opportunity to do that, but i figured that the chances of that happening were really small. Also, they have meetings every tuesday night and friday night right near my house. Hopefully it will all work out. If not, just seeing them today really encouraged me. {it wasnt all hunky dory though because right as soon as I was about to leave, I felt sometime drop on my arm. I looked and a bird had freakin' crapped on me. And from the looks of it, he needed to see a doctor. Yup. I guess i should have expected that since there are exactly 112498347348373 point 8 pigeons in downtown San Jose. I mean literally, Alfred Hitchcock should have chosen this place as the location for his movie, you guessed it, the birds.}After watching them for like an hour, I just walked downtown. I got an icecream from McDonalds (yes they have the best Ice cream here, and its the cheapest. But they dont play with their cones here. they are the good kind!) I went to to a bookstore where I found one of Janet Evanovich's novels woot woo for like less than $2.00. As I was walking back to the bookstore, I didnt want to leave because I was having such a good day. And the rain wasnt too bad. Luckily, I found a reason not to. I saw a group of people standing around gawking at something. {let me tell you, Downtown San Jose has so much to offer and see on Sundays. I think this may be a weekly ritual if I'm not gone.] Oh side note: as i was walking to the bookstore, there was a tv store with the World Cup playing and tons of guys standing around staring intently at the Germany/Australia world cup game. So I decided to join them. I was like the only girl with about 20 men, watching and nodding my head at the game. Im slowly trying to get the tican people to accept me as one of their own. I figure being interested in the World cup is one way to do that lol I actually do enjoy watching it though. Not that I ever did it before I came here. Never too late to start I guess. Anyway back to the gawking people, well apparently there was a group who had escaped from the circus or some kind of side show who had made their way to downtown san jose. There were clowns, prepped for face painting and balloon animals. And then there was this other band with the clowns consisting of two guitars, an accordian, a clarinet, and a handmade bass consiting of a bucket with a broom handle attached with a rope tied to make the bass. it worked though. They were kind of like a contemporary polka band. While they performed, this other chick juggled and did crazy stuff. I'm pretty sure she would be awesome at Poi (thats for you Nora, this could be your destiny :) They were all dressed in crazy colors and loose dirty clothing. They were pretty cool. This is the part where I wish I had a camera. The part Im glad I didnt have a camera was the part where a certified class 5 creeper hit on me the WHOLE time I was trying to watch the show. He wouldnt leave me alone even when I told him I had to leave, and my excuse that I had to go back home BACKFIRED because he was headed to the bus stop too. So I had to walk all the way to the bus stop and act like I was waiting for my bus until he left. I also had to pull out the big guns and tell him the classic little white lie that "I have a boyfriend" to which he responded "you have pretty eyes" REALLY...I dont think that is an appropriate response to what I just told you. Maybe he thought I said "I want you to be my boyfriend". No he knew. He also responded "you dont have a boyfriend here in Costa Rica right" to which I got offened that he would think I would cheat on my imaginary boyfriend. Let me tell you, we are in a committed long-term relationship. Obviously other guys {other than those who are class fives] can see that and that is the reason no other guy has asked me out in so long. (just kidding). Well after I ditched creepy creeperson, i headed back to the park and just read my book. after which I came home and took a nap. It was a great, lazy sunday afternoon and I look forward to more of them in the future. Sorry if today's blog was not quite as exciting or funny as you all expect (sheesh the pressure is building from you guys. I feel like I have to deliver or something lol jk but this is my life. Its not always funny or exciting. its just real. Anyway LOVE you all very much. PURA VIDA.


  1. delivered all right. I just wanted you to know I read this on my lunch break today...And I spit out my dorito's when you started about the bird pooping on you. Rude. LOL!!! Miss you!
