Saturday, June 19, 2010

Okay, so I think I may have laryngitis. I just looked up the symptoms and yup I match all of them. No worries though...I dont feel bad at all. I just cant talk. Well this will give me a reason not to have to make a fool out of myself when I try to speak spanish [score] Last night I went to this party with a bunch of my coworkers. super fun. It was fun to see everyone outside of work not dressed in scrubs and gavachas [thats what my awesome jacket is called]. Price and I were the only gringos there. We actually got invited by the cool kids :) sweet. we are totally in. Its kind of strange that all the people at work are like friends. Like they enjoy hanging out with each other..outside of work. It makes work funner since everyone pretty much gets along. There was some dancing, but not as much as like castros or anything. It sucks I'm finally getting to know everyone and i'm leaving in two weeks but whatever. I cant believe I've almost been here a month. Thats crazy. time really has flown by. I know the rest of the time is gonna fly by so I'm just trying to make the most of it and take advantage of every opportunity. Ive met some really amazing people and made some really awesome memories. Today Caitlin and I were supposed to go to jaco, the closest beach to san Jose, but guess what people. When we woke up this morning it was RAINING. big surprise there. We decided to just forgo the beach trip this weekend. We went and ate lunch at the center near my house. I got some empanadas and a glass of water which were delicious. There were also some random clowns at the center and they were selling cotton candy [ which is called algodon de azucar or sugar cotton hehe] and churros! have I mentioned yet that I LOVE CHURROS. okay at Anderson when I went there [which was like a million years ago] we used to have churro day in the caf and I used to get entirely too overexcited about it. I got a churro from one of the clowns and let me tell you. I feel like this churro was filled with the nectar of God himself because it was so unbelievably good. Churros are like a Hot krispy kreme donut, mixed with a funnel cake, coated in sugar filled with liquid melted caramel. Yeah. Is your mouth watering yet. Because mine is just remember what it tasted like. I may or may not have just drooled on myself. Anyway, despite how good the food was that I ate today, either the empanadas, water, or churro caused world war three in my stomach. I'm not going any further with that conversation, but yeah. But at this moment its all good. Well I really hope that I can go to the beach soon. I'm pretty sure that i'm paler than I was when I left. For real you guys, I never see the sun here. I've almost forgotten what sunshine is like. Vampires would fit in quite nicely here. Hey Edward, where you at? Next month when i start my classes I get to go to a couple of beaches so its cool. Once again its raining now. it stopped for a little bit but everyday at 2 it normally starts up again. Being here I think Ive decided that umbrellas are the best. thing. invented. EVER. Im glad that the thailand team made it back safely. Hope you are all are getting adjusted to the time change and you arent waking up at like 2 in the morning like my bro did last year. Well I think thats all for now. Love you all and PURA VIDA!

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