Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Peircings, rat tails, and braces

On my way home from work today I met a group of YWAM kids. There were a lot of Gringos in san jose today. It was kind of strange. They were really nice and had been in San Jose since April. They invited me to their family day at the place they are staying. Maybe they will adopt me...hopeful thinking. Seeing them today just reinforced the fact that Jesus is alive and well in Costa Rica. Although, it is heavily influenced by Catholicism, there are signs everywhere that remind me that God is here. For the past couple of days, I have heard worship music on the buses I have to take home. Yesterday, a dude just stood up and started telling his testimony. Near the clinic, there has been a yard sale that has been going on for the past two weeks (not kidding). Its the same stuff every time we pass by. I guess they arent stopping until they sell it all. Ironically, most of it is heavy jackets, pants, and sweaters soo...But I actually talked to some of the guys that work it and they have a christian drug and rehab refuge right by the clinic and they were/are/ will be for a while having the yard sale to raise money for that. Its pretty cool. Well today I woke up sad sarah/ poutin patty/ bitter betsy from last night. I was still really sad about thailand and everything else (there is more than just thailand thats making me sad...Thailand has just been the scapegoat for my sadness) and I definitely was NOT feeling like going to work today. Then my bus was completely full so I had to walk all the way to the other bus stop where I had to wait a while to catch the bus. Price totally called me out on my depressed debbie act going on so I just sucked it up and decided I'm just gonna go on with life. Today I had to work in Urgencias-emergencies. I was really nervous because Price made it seem like it was awful. I actually really enjoyed it. Their emergency room is WAY more laid back than those in the states. It was not chaotic in the least bit. I just observed a lot but I got to actually sit down and talk to a lot of the patients. I love hearing other peoples stories and it gave me a chance to talk in Spanish a lot. One woman had a huge wound on her leg from a dog attack. (I'm serious it was huge, open flesh about 3 inches long and 2 inches wide) I got to watch them stitch her up. It was both disgusting and awesome at the same time. I tried to talk to her a lot because she was really scared and upset. I think I was able to calm her down a little. I talked to another girl who was getting IV therapy. After receiving IV therapy everyday for six weeks after my staph infection, I know how terribly boring it is when you have to sit their for two hours watching a bag drip. So I tried to occupy some of her time by talking to her. I actually enjoyed working (well really sitting and doing nothing) in urgencias. And there was this SUPER hot doctor- SCORE. The janitor was also hot and one of the nurse/aides/ someone else who's title i'm not sure of was also very attractive. It was a good day. Seriously the clinic I work at is Grey's anatomy, and that being said the doctor was McDreamy, the janitor was McSteamy, and that other dude (no joke) really looks like Karev. sigh. On the way home, Price and I went to this bakery that should be called the throne room of Jehova because it was AMAZING. We split an amazing pastry- so amazing that Price literally almost punched me in the face when I almost knocked it off of the table. A lot of stuff here is not much cheaper (sometimes more expensive) than in the states, but food is not one of them. We got that puppy for 700 colones (which is not even 1.50) and we split the price so yeah. It was worth ever single colon. So to explain the title of todays blog, apparently here the rat tail has not gone out of style. In the words of Price "its like they didnt realize that Star Wars Episode II sucked" for those of you who arent star wars nerds, Obi One had a rat tail and he could actually pull it off. Personally, I'm not one with the rat tail. I'm not really feeling it. I got my fair share of rat tails in the early 90's thank you very much. Also, alot of people have braces here. Like older people. Interesting. And lastly, before I came and even during my orientation they told us that peircings, especially facial ones, were really looked down upon here and they think its really strange. I'm not sure who told them that but from the tons of lip, eyebrow, and nose rings I see every single day (even people who work in the clinic) I'm not sure that is entirely correct. Anywho, thats my rant for the day. Love you all! Pura Vida

1 comment:

  1. "The janitor was also hot" completely made me laugh out loud today in my office...A customer walked by at that exact moment and since I'm alone in my office....probbbbbably thinks I'm crazy :) Miss you!!! A whole lot! I've been praying for you. I know it's so hard to be away from everybody :( Love you my dear twilight/harry potter/friends loving friend!! :)
