Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Hi I'm heather" "You're Helen?" "Yeah, sure, whatever"

Okay, So apparently Heather is a very difficult name to say in Spanish. One, the "th" sound doesnt really exist in Spanish like it does in English. and Two the letter H is silent altogether in spanish- so put the two together and what do you get--> When I introduce myself, most people think my name is Helen and have proceded to call me that pretty much since I've been here. Unlike Heather, most people (especially in the clinic) think Helen is the retarded girl that can't speak spanish and looks like a Dude in the awesome jacket they gave us to wear in the clinic. So there you go. Anyway, like I said every day in the clinic is a humbling experience, especially when most people think your name is something else and look at you funny when you say your real name. People here also think it is very strange that we Americans only have one last name. See Ticos take on their mom and dad's last name and also have a middle name- which brings the total to FOUR names. Lets just say their name tags are XL. Anyway, this morning I woke up a 5 as usual and ate breakfast (woot woot- the food here always gets me excited) I had some eggs, toast, fresh fruit and juice (the usual). Okay, this morning I was waiting for my bus (a new one that i started taking yesterday) that is a little closer to my house. Well the bus comes by and the driver literally shuts the door in my face (murphy's law). There wasnt even anyone on it. Basically he was saying "I dont let any gringas named Helen on my bus". Well I decided to take a different bus instead. BIG MISTAKE. It took freakin forever to take me to a place that I had never freakin been to before. AWESOME. I was just walking around aimlessly hoping I would find Price. luckily I did. Today, I pretty much just did the same thing as yesterday- took blood pressures all day. Fortunately I really liked the people I worked with today. I talked about Twilight for a while with one of the girls. She had lots of pics of Edward on her work computer. It was pretty funny. I talked to Nora, Taylor, and Whit from Bangkok tonight on Skype. To be completely honest, today was kind of a hard day...mainly because I should be in Thailand right now, but I'm not. I'm here working in a place where I feel like an idiot ever single second of every single day. Its hard for me to describe why I love thailand so much but I will give you a few reasons why.
One, I left my heart in Thailand last year and I've been living with a void in my chest since then
two, last year I wanted to stay in Thailand and never come home. Here, all I want to do is go back home
three, I was with my wonderful friends and some family. Here, its just Helen and I
Four, Last year for the first time I felt truly happy and content with life. I didnt feel self concious, anxious, nervous, inadequate, and useless like I do here all the time.
Five, I made an indescribable connection with the people there.
Well, enough of that. Anyway- tonight I went to a dance class. It was really fun. Dancing always makes things better. Dancing and FRIENDS (the show that is) have helped me make it through my experience here. Thank the Lord I brought friends. Best decision ever. Dont know how I would have made it without them. Dont get me wrong. Costa Rica is a wonderful country, I've already met some wonderful people, and made some good memories. This has just been officially the longest time I've been away from home and Im just not good with change, if you cant tell.
Anywho, I guess I will stop ranting because its really late and I have to get up at 5 and start it all over again. I hope the beaver gnawing at my heart will be gone in the morning. Anyway, love you all :) Pura Vida

1 comment:

  1. Just remember that having a hard time is a good thing. It's God giving us the opportunity to exercise our faith. I'm proud of you!
    - Mr. Preisig
