Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chivalry isn't dead

So on the buses here in Costa Rica, it is very common for guys to give up their seats for girls or the elderly. This morning the bus was really full and this guy stood up so I could have his seat. It just reminded me once again how wonderful the Costa Rican people are. They really are such nice, respectful people who LOVE life. I really do love this country and the people. Side Note: I just need to tell you guys that the drivers here are freaking crazy. Pedestrians do NOT have the ride away. The biggest vehicle does. Everyday I am pretty confident that someone is going to die...and everyday I hope its not me. I mean crosswalks are really just a big game "see how fast you can run across before getting hit". If you can make it across without getting honked at seconds before you could have potentially died, its 10 points. Anyway, today I got to help my "boss" ligia do a pregnancy class for pregnant women. I really enjoyed it and will hopefully be doing it ever thursday for the next three weeks. side note: the word "embarazada" in Spanish means pregnant NOT embarrassed. So if you are embarrassed and inform someone that you are "embarazada" dont think they are looking at you funny because of the situation that made you embarrassed in the first place. let me tell you one thing, there are about to be a whole lot of little ticos running around the ENTIRE world because there are SOOO many pregnant women here. Not even kidding. I mean everywhere you look, somebody has a tiny child inside of them. They dont play here. We seriously probably had like 60 or 70 pregnant women in our class. Going on with the whole "I cant ever do anything right" game i have going on, I couldnt even pass out papers right. Really? that was like my only task to do today, and I beeped it up. Also I felt kind of bad because throughout the entire THREE hour class, I WAS SOOOOOO SLEEPY. I kept nodding off the entire class and I was wearing my "official" clinic uniform (which consists of a white button up Jacket and whatever the heck I decide to wear that day) so people knew that I worked there. Super professional let me tell you. Not that I didnt enjoy learning about all the awful things that happen to you when you're pregnant, I am just in a constant state of exhaustion. Also, the other doctor whom everyone else considers McDreamy (not the same one as yesterday) taught part of the class, so while i was snoozing, I was dreaming about him- Just kidding. I had a slammin plateful of rice, plantains, and pasta all for 900 colones (yeah thats less than two bucks- thats practically less that the reduced price lunch in elementary school). I had a meeting with my ELAP coordinator, seidy, but I had to wait for her for a while in the ISA (International Studies Abroad) office near my house. While I waited i went to the computer lab and let me tell you guys, their spanish keyboards here seriously make my brain hurt. Their keyboards have extra letters numbers and symbols so it makes it difficult to type normally. the numbers at the top have TWO symbols instead of one and the directions to type the second one is ALT + 6 + 4 (what does that even mean) I mean all that for one measly symbol. Psshhh...Welp thats all for now. Now I am just lying in my bed as usual listening to the rain, as usual, I love you all very much! Pura Vida!

1 comment:

  1. heather, it right of way, not ride away. just wanted to let you know that. :)
