Friday, June 18, 2010

If anyone would like to know, I sound like a man right now (even more than I normally do). Tuesday night I had a tiny tickle in my throat but I thought it was because I had been talking a lot that night. Well wednesday morning I woke up and went to say buenos dias to my mama tica and well nothing came out! it was really strange. i didnt even know that my throat was sore at that point. my mama tica made me cafe (coffee) and it felt a little better. Still a little scratchy. The same thing happened yesterday morning and by last night it moved to full MAN mode. This morning, I've now become Heath. Anyway, as I was writing this just now I almost just cried because I'm watching the American team play Slovenia in the World Cup and they were playing the National Anthem of USA. Out of nowhere, I really almost just cried. Okay, I didnt realize I loved America that much. Man I have really loved watching the world cup. Im kind of sad that no one gives a crap about soccer (yeah we are the only country in the world that calls it that) futbol I guess i should say. The world cup is bigger than the olympics here. Its always on all the tvs. I normally just cheer for the underdog but I think I've decided that I like Argentina. And no I'm not bandwagoning, because although they are good, no one here is really going for them. A lot of people are going for Germany. There is this weird relationship between Costa Rica and Germany. There is a lot of German influence here. its kind of strange. I wonder if they have oktobeerfest here. Might have to introduce them to the most exciting event of the year [insert sarcasm] also known as Walhalla's High School reunion for every single person that has ever graduated. End soapbox now. Yesterday, I helped with the pregnancy class again. Price helped too and we mainly just ended up talking the entire time so essentially I didnt do anything the entire day at work. I really like working now. I almost thought about working today but i just decided to take a chill day because Caitlin and I may be going to Jaco this weekend. Last night I went to dance class with the other 5 people that decided to show up. seriously there were only like 6 of us. But let me tell you its quite comical, trying to get a bunch of gringos dancing salsa. Its also really fun when all the tico students sit around and laugh at you, but who can blame them really. There was this guy there who claims he is from Costa Rica, but hes a student at Veritas, his name is Giovanni and he has like this random french/ German accent. And sometimes he doesnt respond to spanish. So I'm not sure that everything he is saying is entirely true. Also, he thinks that he is like the best dancer that ever lived on the planet, but this dude should be called "I spin girls so much that I make them so dizzy that they want to throw up" Seriously this guy would do like 20 spins in a row. I was like "dude, I gotta stop. I'm super dizzy" then he would look at me like I was this horrible dancer and tell me I was doing it wrong. Okay, not that I'm like this amazing dancer, but Im pretty sure spinning someone until they are about to lose conciousness ISNT right. Whatever Giovanni, you arent even Tico. I dont really care what you think. And I know he wasnt tico, because one of our tico friends wasnt allowed to come to the class because it was only for gringos. pssshhh. Anyway, after class we went to Castros. It was super fun as always. The first person i danced with was actually this guy from Arkansas, but he was by far the best non-tico that I have danced with yet. He was really good. The good thing about being a girl, is that you really dont have to be a good dancer. As long as the guy is really good, they can make it look like you know what you are doing. And most people [excluding the spin master] that I've danced with have been very good dancers. Gosh, dancing is like this surreal experience for me. Not kidding. UGH SLOVENIA JUST SCORED. see this is what happens when you call futbol soccer! just kidding. Oh btw for those who dont watch the world cup, the fans are like super crazy and get all dressed up and paint themselves. Some of the American Fans were completely painted and covered in an American flag with large pictures of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Also some other guys were dressed up like Elvis. is elvis really an Iconic symbol that represents America. Wow thats kind of sad to me. I like Elvis, Im just sad that that is the only thing we can dress up like other than the president twins. Like I stated last week, I love fridays. Ill probably just chill around the house. Maybe go for a run or something. but I love you ALL sooooo much! Miss you all but I really do love it here. All of you should come visit :) PURA VIDA

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