Monday, June 21, 2010

Hi guys Sorry I didnt post yesterday, but the progressing sickness in my throat and chest has put a damper on my blog writing. I have now moved from man to mute. And swallowing has become somewhat of a difficult task. It takes a lot of effort. There isnt much to tell about work today because this morning I went all the way to work (like an hour and a half) just to get there and have my boss, ligia [thats pronounced -lee he a- in case you were wondering] tell me that I needed to go home. So I was there for a rousing ten minutes and turned right around to make the commute back. On the way back, I started like burning up on the bus. I was like a woman in menopause having a hot flash. Seriously. I like started breaking out in a sweat. And I got super sleepy all of a sudden. And of course the one day that I felt like the I was about to experience internal combustion first hand, the bus took forever to get home. There was construction and so much traffic. I mean, really? Luckily, I made it home finally at like 10:00 and pretty much went straight to bed until 3:00. Ahh, its amazing how sleep can make you feel better. Don't worry mom, as much as I wish you were here to take care of me, my mama tica is doing a pretty good job. She made me some soup and some tea. But she doesn't compare to you :) You are the best. Okay yesterday I meant to blog since it was both my sister's birthday and Father's day. I wanted to give a shoutout to two of the most important people in my life. Dad, you are such an amazing man of God, father, role model, and husband. I am so thankful for all that you have done and all your love and support in my life. I have loved being able to skype with you, but it's definitely no substitute for seeing you in person. I'm sorry I wasnt able to be there with you yesterday but I hope that you always know how much I love you and how thankful that I am to have you as my father. you are the best. SISTER. We just talked but i want to let you know that I meant everything i said. I love that we get closer as we get older and farther apart. You are so amazing and I am so thankful for the love and joy that you bring in my life. I cant wait until we are reunited again but until that point, know that I HEART YOU SO MUCH. adl;ajdflasflknefrnevasndfkjasdf. (yeah thats our secret language that my sister and I share. Jealous? yeah you should be haha).
Well yesterday I went to Cartago all by myself to see my friend Kelsey. Kelsey and I were two of the Six spanish majors at Anderson. [yeah there were only six of us. people at Anderson thought it was weird to study spanish and would look at you like you had a strange disease when you would tell them were spanish major. Can anyone see any reason why I might have transferred?] I rode the bus by myself all the way there even though I had never been there. Luckily, I made it safely. Kelsey is staying with this family from SC who are missionaries here. I crashed their family dinner and we ate at this pizza place called Oteros [i think haha]. The pizza was good despite the fact that I almost NEVER eat pizza. And this morning, i remembered why haha. But its all good. After dinner, we drove around trying to look for some ice cream. Luckily the family had their own car, which is admirable since people who drive here seem to be on suicide missions. Lets just say we drove around the same block two or three times trying to find a Pops [curse you, disappearing Pops] and almost got pulled over by a policeman in the process. Everyone just tried to not make eye contact with the policeman in hopes that he would just drive on by. for once, it actually worked. We finally made it to this other ice cream place [okay, i am officially diagnosing myself as an ice cream addict. I guess I will have to attend ICA when I get home. thats Ice Creamers Anonymous for those of you that weren't familiar] After Ice cream, I decided to go back home so that i would get home before dark and I'm sure you guessed it...IT WAS RAINING. I guess the kids here dont sing "rain rain, go away come again another day" enough. I found out that there is an amusement park somewhere near my house so maybe i will get to do that soon. Once again, sorry if today's post is pretty bland, but yeah I slept half the day and the other half, Ive done absolutely nothing. Anyway, I love you all. PURA VIDA!

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