Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yep, I'm defintely not qualified to do this

Today I worked in Urgencias again. When I got there it was SUPER slow. There was seriously only like 2 people in the entire place. I got pretty excited because this meant that I could just do whatever the heck I wanted while not really having to do anything. I sat around for a while and just read the newspaper. There was a doctor there who I hadn't met yet and after about an hour of sitting directly across from him, I decided to introduce myself and tell him what I was doing. He was wearing a gold chain and traditionally [im gonna be honest with you all] I always sort of think guys with gold chains are kind of creepy. (especially if they are wearing a wife beater and/or leather jacket with it). Turns out that he was by far the coolest gold chain wearer I had met. I was only planning to stay in Urgencias for like an hour and then leave for the day because my boss wasnt even at work today, but gold chain doctor decided to make me his apprentice. I learned and proceeded to do an EKG. He let me observe him the first time and then the VERY next time he just pointed at the machine and let me do it. (Insert todays title) Like I said, Costa Ricans are SUPER laid back so I mean i guess as long as the woman who I was doing it on didnt know that I had just learned how to do an EKG about 2 seconds prior I dont guess it mattered. I also learned how to put an IV in and take one out (luckily I didnt do either of those, someone could really get hurt) but I have a feeling I may have to the next time i go there. That same doctor would always just motion for me to follow him everywhere, even though I had no idea what I was getting myself into. One time I walked into this tiny room and this woman was just lying on the table with part of her booty showing (she was getting a shot in her butt) Little did I know that as soon as I walked in the Doctor was going to hand me the shot to give to her (yup once again insert the title of todays blog) but all went fine and dandy I guess. Another woman had ripped her toenail off and was just waiting in one of the rooms for one of the doctors to help her. All the doctors kept ignoring her because a toenail I guess is not top priority, so I went and just talked to her for a while to entertain her. She told me how she had had breast cancer and that she didnt really like clinics or hospitals very much. Its amazing how people here will just open up to you. They love getting to know you and sharing thier lives with you. I really do love the people here. Eventually, one of the doctors helped her out :) I left around 12 because something apparently happened with this older lady and all the doctors and nurses rushed into this one room and closed the door. I really hope she didnt die. I'm not sure if she did or not :( anyway, I ate lunch and tried to tell some of the single tica ladies about all my single friends at home. they were all pretty excited :) So world cup update for those of you who dont know: Spain lost to Switzerland today. BIG UPSET. I mean it is Spain we are talking about. However, I always love when the Underdog wins. Ive been cheering on the underdogs so far and its worked out pretty well. On my way home, the bus was pretty full so i had to stand up for a little bit. After a few stops it had emptied out a little bit, and this older man offered me a seat, which was really sweet. HOWEVER, im pretty sure he strategically planned for me to sit there because his CROTCH was in my face the entire time. Dont even get me started how close it got to my face whenever we made a right turn. And somehow even when we made a left turn, he got closer to me. Perv. Luckily I made it out alive without any extraordianary traumatic experiences. When I get off at the bus stop there are always like a million people walking around. Its hard to manuver around sometimes. Well, as I was trying to make my way out of the jungle, I felt someone hit my butt. I was like "oh sookkky" when I turned around it was a man with a huge box of AVOCADOS bumping me to get out of the way. Really? I mean there were like 50 people directly in front of me. What was I supposed to do? and then probably two seconds after he bumped me, he set down his box and started selling them. sheesh. Anyway, i walked all the way back to my house instead of taking the bus and made it home before the heavens opened up as usual around 2:30 and it started pouring down rain. Overall, it was a pretty good day. I really enjoyed work today. LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL!!! PURA VIDA!

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