Saturday, June 12, 2010

I heart Fridays

Sorry I didnt post yesterday. I wish I could say that I was too busy doing something fun and exciting but in reality I did ABSOLUTELY nothing. To the point that I didnt even do my blog. Yes, as stated in the title above, I love fridays. They are like a little peice of heaven dipped in chocolate delivered by Matthew McConaughey with his shirt off (Okay that dude's name is entirely too hard to spell that after several failed attempts I had to google his name...but I couldnt think of anyone else who exemplifies the word man candy as well as him. And I watched "How to lose a guy in 10 days" so he was fresh on my mind) or megan fox ( for my brands- boys that are friends but not boyfriends). And why, you may ask are they so wonderful? BECAUSE I DONT HAVE TO WORK! YIPPEDY DOOO DAH (I think that expression is not used in our society enough anymore. Sad day. Like I said, i literally did nothing. I got up, ate breakfast, went for a run (yay for exercise, that doesnt happen very often because I'm normally too exhausted from work. So if I look like free willy when I come back home from all the AMAZING food I've been eating here and all the exercise I HAVENT been doing here, please dont throw me back into the ocean.) Speaking of food, yesterday after my run I went to this little commercial area where there are a lot of shops and a mini food court near my house to eat lunch and buy an umbrella SIDE NOTE [yes my blog is essentially just a big conglomeration of side notes] my umbrella I brought with me and have been using up until this point was so jacked up that it looked like it had been mangled by a dog, swallowed, and then thrown up again. Despite this, resourceful me was still using it to the potential danger of everyone else since the metal points were exposed. One day at the bus stop I was just standing there with my umbrella and some dude literally had to swerve around me so his eyeball didnt fall victim. whoops. Just to show you how jacked up it was, I went to the bank the other day and I left it outside the bank, in hopes that someone would steal it. Was I successful? heck freakin yes. This is san jose after all. For whatever reason, I needed to buy a new one) For lunch I had an empanada full of yummy potatoes for the first time. Sweet Lord, my mouth was so happy that i literally almost choked it was so good. I also had a "taco tico" a costa rican taco. Can I please just tell you that these arent like the tacos at Los Amigos. I didnt know that when i bought it either. Their tacos were filled with pork and the taco itself was hidden under a MOUNTAIN of cabbage, yes cabbage, ketchup, mustard, AND mayo. Yeah. needless to say I had to search through the cabbage just to find some kind of life form that resembled a taco. The taco itself was pretty good, but the cabbage was a little overwhelming. I mean there was more cabbage on it then five tiny bunnies would enjoy. Yesterday, my roommate Merri (shes from San Diego and seriously one of the nicest people I have ever met. I am truly blessed) went bungee jumping (which is a really popular for most American students here) She is like my hero. She went FIRST out of all the people there. We watched the video of her jump, which was super awesome. The jump is off of a bridge 250 Ft in the air. Yeah, pretty intense. but after watching her video, i think I wanna do it now. That would seriously be out of my element, but heck PURA VIDA right. Price and I had tickets to go the national theater last night, but we didnt end up going because he wasnt feeling well. No big. I didnt really feel like getting ready and going out anyway-after all of the empanada eating I had done that day. I have to say the internet is like the best and worst thing that has happened to me since I've been here. I am SOOO happy that i get to keep in contact with everyone through skype and facebook and make plans with all of my new friends here, but at the same time I feel like I am ALWAYS on it b/c im either talking to someone on skype or FB or making plans with someone. I feel like I may need to spend more time with my tican family and less time always on my computer. Just a personal thought. Well I will probably post another one later on about today. Love you all soooo much and PURA VIDA!

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