Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Okay, the raindroplets here are like water balloons. seriously. its like the omnious dark clouds are like fighter pilots in World War II releasing tiny bombs on top of you. Yeah, I just ran back here down the street because I was wearing WHITE shorts. Yeah, could I have looked any more like a gringa? dont think so. white girl + white shorts, a tank top + running with an umbrella=gringa. I did not however have a large camera hanging around my neck, a t-shirt, or tennis shoes on, so I didnt look like a tourist. just a gringa. Yup, the heavens just opened up just now. Err, there are freakin ants crawling all over me and my computer right now. Ugh, ants are the spawn of satan. Curse you you tiny little demons. Anyway, let me just tell you guys about work today. Well price and I got there and Ligia wasnt in her office, so we just went to breakfast and watched the first half of the USA and Algeria game. Okay, I was talking to one lady from work and we were discussing how USA is so systematic and play like robots. Its really the truth. Whereas when Brazil plays, they look like they are dancing. They are really fun to watch. so anyway, after the first half ligia still wasnt in her office and David informed us that she wasnt coming today, so Price and I looked at each other really quick and basically had a five minute conversation of "well if you wanna go home, I'll go home." David helped us make the decision to go or stay with a coin toss (I love how they "officially" decided things here) well lady luck was in our favor for once so we left the clinic at 9 haha. We went to pequeno mundo and then went and had this amazing lunch and watched the first half of the germany/ghana game. Okay guys, I'm not sure if this is TMI or not, but whatever. OK, my room smells AWFUL. I mean after you are in it for a while you get used to it, but right as soon as you walk in you initially think "man, I dont wanna be here anymore" but you just have to press through. It just smells really moldy, but its because it FREAKIN RAINS ALL THE TIME. Everything I own is basically wet, and no I cant hang anything outside. you know why, because it FREAKIN RAINS ALL THE TIME. ugh. So everything just kind of sits in my room and now the moldy mildew smell is starting to become suffocating. And I bought this Dr. Scholls foot spray that is supposed to prevent this very thing. IT ONLY MADE IT WORSE!!! Curse you Dr. Scholls. You are supposed to absorb the moisture, not mix with it so the smell you create makes me nauseated (which I really am...I took some medicine last night for nausea and I looked at the ingredients and basically I was just eating liquid sugar) Anyway, shoutout to my bro for finally getting a skype. Woot Woo. yeah, skype is the stuff :) Well, i have my FINAL meeting about my internship. wow only 5 more days of work. HECK YES. and shoot if next week is anything like this week it may only be like 2.5 more days. who knows. I think I may be going to see Toy Story 3 tonight. Yup its in spanish. Most movies here are in English with Spanish subtitles. Most of them except animated ones. anyway, im sure it will still be fun. approximately like 5 hours later...okay guys, I just got back from seeing toy story 3 in 3D at the San Pedro Mall and it was really cute. You got a friend in me is way cuter in spanish. Okay the reason I wanted to write about it was that when we were leaving just now, there were a bunch of taxis lined up outside the mall, like they always are. Well the first dude we walk up to is like "2500 colones" we were like "what?!" because it was only 1500 to get there. So we walk to the next guy and he says "3000 colones" like he is giving us a good deal. PSSSHHHH. Then I was like "um, this dude over here just said 2500" and he was like "its only 500 more" um 'scuse me, you might can rip off every other American Gringa but daggum I'm Lynn Wilson's daughter and us wilson/harpers dont take that crap. Merri also pointed out that the taxis werent even official. So we try to find an official taxi (ones that are red with a yellow triangle on the side) and we saw one, and I walked up to the guy and asked him to take us to veritas and the first thing this mo fo says is "Dont slam my door!" I was like "okay, weirdo. Can you take us there or not" I didnt really say that but I wanted to. I mean he acted like he was having to go out of his way to take us to our house. Excuse me sir, this is your job...we are going to pay you money, we arent a charity case. And why the heck are you parked in front of the mall standing beside your car like you are waiting to take people if it is SUCH an inconvenience?! I mean honestly, What the crap was up with these dudes. They were all getting on my freakin nerves. So anyway, we drop caitlin off and when she closes her door the cab driver is like "I told you not to slam my door!" Merri and I just looked at each other. What the heck was this dudes problem. There if physically no way to shut a door without it somewhat slamming, otherwise, its not closed you big reeeee tard! Err. So then he takes us to our place and I try with everything in me not to remotely slam my door. UGH...weird. That whole experience was just weird and quite frankly I dont know if I even want to go back to that mall now. You bunch of Jerks. Well that was my little rant. Sorry. I just had to get it off of my chest since it JUST happened. Anyway its really late now and I have to get up early :/ I love and miss you all! PURA VIDA

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